Friday, March 26, 2010


27 why 27? the number 27 is not only a perfect cube, but it also bears an unusual relationship with its own cube. Twenty-seven cubed equals 19,683, and if you add the digits in that number you get 1+9+6+8+3=27. Awsome rigth?

Thats not the only perfect thing about number 27. In a perfect game in baseball, a pitcher faces the minimum of 27 batters--3 per inning for 9 innings. A different sort of 27 in the world of fun and games is that a three-person game of rock-paper-scissors has a total of 27 possible outcomes. 27 is the smalles number whose reciprocal has a three-digit repeating decimal: 1/27=0.037037037...Curiously, 37 is the next (and only other) numer with this property, and 1/37=0.027027027...this relationship loops mystical, but all it means is that 27 X 37 = 999, and 9+9+9=27.

27 is one of my favorite number not only because of the things i mentioned before, I was born a July 27, 1989( 1+9+8+9=27) and my name has 27 letters...Alejo Johnnattan Santos Pi~ero. What are the odd?...freaky huh?